jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

What is VPN ?

October 21, 2010.
What is VPN (Virtual Private Networking)?
Original article at Netgear.com
Edited by Vicente A Aragón D.

VPN gives extremely secure connections between private networks linked through the Internet.

It allows remote computers to act as though they were on the same secure, local network.


  • Allows you to be at home and access your company's computers in the same way as if you were sitting at work.
  • Almost impossible for someone to tap or interfer with data in the VPN tunnel.
  • If you have VPN client software on a laptop, you can connect to your company from anywhere in the world.


  • Setup is more complicated than less secure methods.
  • Even though VPN works across different manufacturers' equipment, it is best to have all the VPN devices originating from only one certified manufacturer.
  • The company whose network you connect to may require you to follow the company's own policies on your home computers ( ! )

VPN goes between a computer and a network (client-to-server), or a LAN and a network using two routers (server-to-server).

Each end of the connection is an VPN "endpoint", the connection between them is a "VPN tunnel".

When one end is a client, it means that computer is running VPN client software such as NETGEAR's ProSafe VPN Client.

Following images illustrate the two types of VPN:

VPN Client-to-Server (Client-to-Box): .

VPN Server-to-Server (Box-to-Box): .

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