miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Joomla Sugar CRM Bridge

Jay Baer . How to Integrate Social Media Into Your Marketing

The Big Social Media Integration Picture

Social media and conversation marketing transform brands like no other communication methodology previously, because it changes the fundamental nature of the brand/customer relationship.
But, social media and conversation marketing are inefficient vehicles. It’s difficult to achieve economies of scale when you’re developing relationships with customers on an individualized or small group basis.
Thus, social media is not a solo act. It’s best as part of a jazz combo.
Instead of thinking of social media as a freestanding tactic, first consider how you can add social media components to your existing marketing initiatives.

3 Step Social Media Adoption Plan

1. Devise an appropriate, tactically-agnostic social media strategy
2. Audit your current marketing, and add social media ingredients
3. Where necessary, add new social media programs

5 Ways to Achieve Cross-Media Synergy with Social Media

1. Social Media + Search Marketing
Core tenets of inbound marketing. Create content about your brand, and distribute it as widely as possible. Get more bait in the water. Optimize EVERY piece of content for search.
2. Social Media + Email
Good email and good social media are much more similar than different. Add social sharing to your emails. Promote your email program in social media, and vice versa. Use your social initiatives to try out new content approaches, adding the most successful content to your email program.
3. Social Media + Virtual Events
Your audience isn’t the number of people in the room, it’s the number of people in the world. Take your presentation, add it to Slideshare. Promote it on the social Web. Most of my live presentation are to ~40 people. Most of my presentations have been seen thousands of times subsequently.
How can you redefine virtual events by adding social media components? See Radian6 Twebinars that combine Webinars and live Twitter streams. See #blogchat and similar live Twitter chats. See my own Twitter 20 series of live social media interviews on Twitter.
4. Social Media + Live Events
Extend your event before and after it happens, using social media. Think Tweet-ups and other ways that social media can come to life in three dimensions.
5. Social Media + Market Research
Perhaps the most untapped advantage of social media participation. Ask your customers and fans what they think. You can create all-new products via consumer input. You can execute very simple crowd sourcing programs using CrowdCampaign and similar tools.
Social media works best when it’s part of something bigger. Are you ready for some synergy?
View more presentations from Jay Baer

martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Just beam it.

Posted: 25 Oct 2011 08:59 AM PDT
Si necesitamos compartir con otras personas archivos grandes a través de internet, tenemos cientos de servicios de alojamiento gratuito, muchos de los cuales ya les he compartido en este blog.
Pero lamentablemente este tipo de sistemas tiene varios inconvenientes: primero nuestros archivos son alojados en un servidor, con los problemas de seguridad que esto puede acarrear y segundo, la transferencia se hace en dos partes, primero subimos el archivo y luego la persona debe descargarlo a su PC.
Por suerte existen soluciones mucho más eficientes y seguras como las que les traigo hoy. JustBeamit es un excelente servicio de transferencia vía P2P que nos permite compartir fácil y rápidamente todo tipo de archivos.
Lo que más me gustó de esta aplicación es que no necesitamos descargar ningún programa a nuestra PC, sólo ingresamos al sitio, seleccionamos el archivo que queremos compartir y por último compartimos la URL con la persona a la que se lo vamos a enviar.
Cuando nuestro amigo, familiar o colega ingresa a esta URL, se realiza una conexión P2P y comienza la transferencia del archivo.
JustBeamit es sin duda mucho más fácil, rápido y seguro que otros sistema para compartir archivos que he probado. Solo pruébenlo y me cuentan.
Enlace: JustBeamit