jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Hootsuite Basics 07

Team Collaboration with HootSuite
We have reached the end of the Jump Start emails, but it's just the beginning of your social media engagement with HootSuite. Before we send you out on your own, we'll explain team collaboration tools.

For more detailed how-tos, check the Help Desk articles below, or continue reading to Jump Start into teams right away.

Team Collaboration
Assigning/Tracking Messages
Granting Team Members Advanced Permissions
Building Teams

On a Pro or Enterprise plan you can assemble a team to write status updates without sharing account passwords. Inversely, you can revoke social media account access to a team member as situations change. By doing so, you can assign messages to the most appropriate team member for follow-up.

Team Members

1. To add a Team Member, hover over the Launch Bar and select Social Networks. Then choose a profile you own. Click the Add Team Member button and invite by entering their email address. You can also include a note if you like.

2. Once they've joined your team, you can assign messages to them. Click the pull down menu on the desired Tweet and choose Assign. Choose your Team Member and add a note if needed.

3. To see the results of the assignments, hover over the Launch Bar and choose Assignments. You can create a report based on profile and status to see the follow-up time and message.

TIP: Team Members can have Basic or Advanced status. Just click on their name and check the box to allow advanced members to invite others and manage more of the account.

Remember, the team collaboration tools are available in the HootSuite Pro and Enterprise plans, but even if you’re on the free Basic plan we think it will be helpful to know what’s possible down the road.

Next Jump Start

This is the end of the JumpStart emails. We hope you found them helpful. You can continue your training through HootSuite University, or dive into the Help Desk for articles, forums, how-tos and more. There are even tutorials created by users just like you so check out the videos, blog posts and more made by other HootSuite fans.

Seek more knowledge? Visit these articles:
HootSuite Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide »
HootSuite Social Networks
Social Networks »
HootSuite Streams
Streams »
Messages and Scheduling on HootSuiteMessages & Scheduling » Stats and Analytics with HootSuite
Stats & Analytics »
Rss Mobile and Widgets from HootSuite
RSS, Mobile & Widgets »

Get certified
Join our Learning Program at HootSuite University to expand your network and become a Certified HootSuite Professional.

Need more help?
No problem, just visit the Help Desk for hundreds of articles to help you set up and utilize HootSuite to build your business, organize your groups or enhance your personal social network.
HootSuite is a Trademark of HootSuite Media, Inc. More: HootSuite Online Media Kit.

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Hootsuite Basics 06

Stats and Analytics with HootSuite
It's time to begin measuring the success of your activities – from within HootSuite of course. Seeing the results of your campaigns, allows you to quickly adjust tactics and maximize the results of your efforts.

HootSuite offers a number of tools for tracking and analyzing stats, including Ow.ly – a built-in URL shortener for images and URLs.
For more advanced reporting options, the HootSuite dashboard comes complete with over 30 report 'modules' or Social Analytics functions that can be mixed and matched into customized reports. This will allow you to track various elements of your online activities directly from HootSuite, and fine tune your efforts to get the best possible results.
Report modules are on a points-based system, and more points can be purchased any time. There are also free Quick Analytics Reports that give you summary stats for Ow.ly, Facebook Insights and more.

As always, the Help Desk outlines the details outlines in detail the key points for getting started with Social Analytics:

Creating a custom Social Analytics Report
Using Analytics Points
Saving custom Social Analytics Reports as a draft
Sharing custom Social Analytics Reports with other HootSuite users

Getting Started with Stats

HootSuite Stats
1. To create a new report, hover over the Launch Bar and select Analytics. From here, click the "Create New Report" button from within Custom Analytics.

2. Then, you can select a template. Choose from several existing templates, or, to start from scratch click Custom Report.

3. Once a template is selected, you can begin customizing your report by adding Report Modules.

Reports are available on a points system, and the type of plan you're on will determine how many points you have. More points are available for purchase at any time.
Next Jump Start

There's only one Jump Start email left and we'll use it to tell you about working with teams and assignments. As always, you can continue to become an expert through HootSuite University, or check back into the Help Desk for articles, forums, how-tos and more.

Seek more knowledge? Visit these articles:
HootSuite Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide »
HootSuite Social Networks
Social Networks »
HootSuite Streams
Streams »
Messages and Scheduling on HootSuiteMessages & Scheduling » Team Collaboration with HootSuite
Team Collaboration »
Rss Mobile and Widgets from HootSuite
RSS, Mobile & Widgets »
Get certified
Join our Learning Program at HootSuite University to expand your network and become a Certified HootSuite Professional.

Need more help?
No problem, just visit the Help Desk for hundreds of articles to help you set up and utilize HootSuite to build your business, organize your groups or enhance your personal social network.
HootSuite is a Trademark of HootSuite Media, Inc. More: HootSuite Online Media Kit.

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011

Hootsuite Basics 05

Team Collaboration  with HootSuite
Next up in the JumpStart series, we have a few easy and powerful tools to round out your toolkit. Add RSS feeds and Twitter lists to your dashboard for a new way to broadcast messages and build your audience. Plus, we'll introduce the Hootlet, a little bookmarklet which allows you to quickly and socially share sites.

There are a few ways to use these tools so check the Help Desk for extra help as well as reviewing the handy tips below.

Hootlet - Our Secret Weapon

The Hootlet is a "bookmarklet" for creating a pre-populated message any webpage with a single click. Just drag the Hootlet from the Launch Bar to your browser's bookmark bar. When you get a to page you want to share, simply click the bookmark to pop open a small window with an automatically pre-shortens a link to the webpage. You can add text, attach images and schedule and/or send to one or multiple accounts.
Hootlet for Chrome

Post from Feeds

HootSuite can send automatically send update from RSS/Atom feeds to any social profile – great for publicizing your blog posts or sharing your social bookmarks.

To auto-update your social channels, first hover over the Launch bar, then choose Settings and select RSS/Atom. Then paste in your feed url and select which social networks and your desired interval and HootSuite will send an update out each time your feed is updated.

Create Twitter Lists

Lists are a native Twitter feature to help you organize the people you are following from different parts of your social life. Lists can be public or private and can be used for any group you choose. For example, you can create lists for co-workers, best friends, hobby groups, brands, or fans of the same sports team.

1. To add an existing Twitter lists, click + Add Stream, choose the Lists tab and you'll see any lists you own or are subscribed to.

2. Don't have any lists? No problem, lists are easy to create. Just add a stream, choose lists and fill in the name, description and url fields plus select public or private.

3. For a fast way to manage your lists, hover over the Launch Bar and choose Contacts. Select the related Twitter profile to see followers and lists. Then, just drag and drop user avatars on top of the desired list.

More Owls

Did you know that HootSuite is available for free on the iPhone, BlackBerry and Android mobile platforms? There is also a suite of desktop version, browser extensions for Firefox, apps for Google Chrome, and other ways to integrate HootSuite into your work flow.

Next Jump Start

Thanks again for using HootSuite. The next Jump Start will share tips for analytics and statistic reports. Don't forget we're always just a hoot away at the Help Desk for more advice, troubleshooting or tutorials. Plus, you can continue to become an expert through the HootSuite University Program.

Seek more knowledge? Visit these articles:
HootSuite Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide »
HootSuite Social Networks
Social Networks »
HootSuite Streams
Streams »
Messages and Scheduling on HootSuiteMessages & Scheduling » Team Collaboration with HootSuite
Team Collaboration »
Stats and Analytics with HootSuite
Stats & Analytics »
Get certified
Join our Learning Program at HootSuite University to expand your network and become a Certified HootSuite Professional.

Need more help?
No problem, just visit the Help Desk for hundreds of articles to help you set up and utilize HootSuite to build your business, organize your groups or enhance your personal social network.
HootSuite is a Trademark of HootSuite Media, Inc. More: HootSuite Online Media Kit.

Hootsuite Basics 04

Spreading Messages with HootSuite
My, how time flies! About a week has passed since you signed up for HootSuite and it's important to us that you're able to make the most out of this powerful tool.

Today's update covers a few ways to spread your messages far and wide. With HootSuite you can draft and schedule messages ahead of time, and there is also a Batch Scheduling option for those organizations who want to schedule up to 50 unique messages ahead of time. It can be tricky the first time, but we have Help Desk articles to get you started.
Sending a message is pretty easy, but if you want more, the Help Desk has detailed information to optimize your updates in order to reach a wider audience:

How to Update a Status:

Schedule a Message with HootSuite

1. Simply type a message in the text field, choose the social profiles you want to update, then click Send Now – you can also add images by clicking the paperclip or just drag and drop the file in the message box

2. Alternatively, you can schedule status updates to send later – simply click the calendar icon to choose a date and time, click Okay, and then click Schedule (we can even send an email to confirm)

3. For messages you send frequently, you can save message as a draft – just write the message, chose the social profiles and click the floppy disc icon to save – to use later, just click the arrow icon beside the floppy disc and choose your draft to populate the message box

A few more tips for Twitter: Reply to a Tweet, ReTweet or send a Direct Message by hovering your mouse over a Tweet and choosing the appropriate icons.
Next Jump Start

Stay tuned for the next article, about Team Collaboration which will show you some advanced tips for using HootSuite to assign messages and share access.
We're always available with more info at the Help Desk. Search through hundreds of articles, participate in community generated forums and find videos and tutorials.

Need advanced training fast? Consider the HootSuite Learning Program for professional certification.

Seek more knowledge? Visit these articles:
HootSuite Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide »
HootSuite Social Networks
Social Networks »
HootSuite Streams
Streams »
Team Collaboration with HootSuite
Team Collaboration »
Stats and Analytics with HootSuite
Stats & Analytics »
Rss Mobile and Widgets from HootSuite
RSS, Mobile & Widgets »
Get certified
Join our Learning Program at HootSuite University to expand your network and become a Certified HootSuite Professional.

Need more help?
No problem, just visit the Help Desk for hundreds of articles to help you set up and utilize HootSuite to build your business, organize your groups or enhance your personal social network.
HootSuite is a Trademark of HootSuite Media, Inc. More: HootSuite Online Media Kit.

Hootsuite Basics 03

Streams and Monitoring with HootSuite
Now that you know how to add social profiles, this "Jump Start" email will show you how to add streams for searching and monitoring your social profiles.

Streams are the columns in the HootSuite dashboard with continually updating messages from your social profiles. Streams can include any sort of social message stream plus searches for your brands and interests.

Check out the how-to articles from the Help Desk for detailed instructions or get started quick with the short instructions below.

Add a Column or Stream
Search - How to
Save a Search as a Column

Adding a New Stream:

Make a Stream from a Searched Topic

1. Click "+ Add Streams," choose the column you'd like to create and click "Create Column"
2. Choose a social profile and what type of messages to display - for example: @mention, DMs, Facebook home feed etc.
3. Or choose the "Search" or "Keyword" tabs - enter some search terms to monitor for real time Twitter search

You can also add Twitter lists directly into a stream – and remember that you can have up to 10 streams per tab allowing lots of searches, lists and more.
Next Jump Start

The next Jump Start will share tips and suggestions for posting updates and spreading messages. Refer back to the Quick Start Guide (if you haven't already) for a handy reference guide.

Need advanced training fast? Consider the HootSuite Learning Program for professional certification.
Seek more knowledge? Visit these articles:
HootSuite Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide »
HootSuite Social Networks
Social Networks »
Messages and Scheduling on HootSuite
Messages & Scheduling »
Team Collaboration with HootSuite
Team Collaboration »
Stats and Analytics with HootSuite
Stats & Analytics »
Rss Mobile and Widgets from HootSuite
RSS, Mobile & Widgets »
Get certified
Join our Learning Program at HootSuite University to expand your network and become a Certified HootSuite Professional.

Need more help?
No problem, just visit the Help Desk for hundreds of articles to help you set up and utilize HootSuite to build your business, organize your groups or enhance your personal social network.
HootSuite is a Trademark of HootSuite Media, Inc. More: HootSuite Online Media Kit.